Dangerous far left fascist Londonstan mayor little brown leprechaun Sadiq Khan meltdowns and bashes Elon Musk says to prevent Trump on Twitter

    Troy York

    Attacking and bashing  Elon Musk and Twitter and Mr the far left radical Muslim Sadiq Khan is a mayor of London stand and for the proof that radical Muslims are slowly infiltrating and taking over political Western positions the London stand mayor is a disgruntled far left fascist who was triggered the other day when Elon Musk Twitter reinstated Donald Trump former president back onto Twitter the far left fascist mayor of blasted this decision by Elon Musk and he demanded that social media police content and prevent people he does not like such as Donald Trump is this authoritarian Pakistan mother fucker is a role model for Global Brown Fascism and this type of government like what Saddam Hussein had in the

The anti White brown fascist and leprechaun London  
 mayor Sadiq Khan

 Baath party is something that's Sadiq Khan wishes to spread. This man is a dangerous politician who should not be mayor of London and this idiot thinks that somehow he has a right to censor the speech of other people as a true Islam or fascist that city con is this deranged Pakistani man who should not be mayor of London and hos mere presence endangers this cointry and its Democratic values. Sadiq Khan is a evil lizard  who like a Pakistani dictator seeks to silence hos critics and he is triggered being a Brown leprechaun for the left-wing radical global cause and he is so mad so sad that Elon Musk now owns😆 Twitter. Genghis  Khan is a walking demon and the people of  London need to rally behind a polticla force, organize and get this son of a botch and a dog out of the city hall and political control of London as this censor shipping little bastard endangers freedom in Great Britain with his role in politics.

The Genghis Khan wanabee is destroying the city of London and her serves the people of the global😕 community who slowly seek to repopulate London with their own and displace the indigenous people and this is what has been happening to the people of Great Britain though massive waves of immigration if the unassimilated refusables. Mr Khan need to concentrate on his city and country and

continue the war and attack taker over if it and not worry about Elon Musk owning Twitter and allowing a former president Trump pot be back on it and this clown scumbag Mr Khan's opinion on it should not and does not matter because he is a fucking global idiot. Sadiq Khan is a colonizer and a brown fascist and the people for Great  Britain  in the large part hates this Paki Indo troll and know what his role is in undermining  their largest city and pretty much slowly taking over England in a reversal racism and race take over colonization of this island nation North of Europe. Sadis Cpown is both a fascist and a Islamist who seeks to censor those who hold different beleifs on religion and culture and this man is a threat to our living standards and freedom.😃

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