Libturd David Hackman bashes Jim Jordan for calling out Apple and demanding accountability of Apples investment in China

      Franks Banks IV

     Angered that Republicans forced Apple executive and gay scumbag Tim Cook to come and speak to them about apples harassment and contagious attempt to suppress Twitter now that Elon Musk is the owner liberal progressive Communist podcast host David Pakman wen toff, he was triggered and bashed the great Ohio

congressman Jim Jordan and David Pakman bashed Jim Jordan and the  Republicans for pressuring and making an issue of the advertising boycott that Apple and tier wicked executive Tom Apple have waged against twitter likely in call of the global left and the backers of the CCP China zero covid fascists. Tim " Captain' Cook was called before a closed door meeting and the Republicans

demand answers and whether David Pakman likes it or not Apple is a American company and whether this company has been infiltrated and taken over by the communists of China this is a polticla issue and one that must being investigated having Mr Cook come and answer important question why suddenly this son of a dog  pro-communist bastard suddenly is not adverting in Twitter now that a free speech advocate Elon Musk now took control of the company. David Pakman believes in free speech only

for left-wing lunatic progressives like him and whether he likes it or not most American do not follow the policies an d ideals that this bubble -headed booby form Boston believes in his urban Democratic bubble high rise urban living. David Pakman is a left-wing fascist who refuses to make any videos or mention the resistance to the communist  government in China and this  is likely much like most of Bog tech news such as Daily Beast and Yahoo Chinese funding dictates who they express opinions and portray the news and for this lane ass Venezuelan podcaster David Pakman the brave resistance and protest in China against communism is something that must be ignored.  This podcast scumbag from either Argentina and Venezuela and this maniac podcaster cannot stop propagandizing and attacking Republicans and conservatives and Tim Apple

cannot use his company and wealth  to be a partisan as he has show and this is why Mr Jordan and other Republicans called him into their office. This infuriated David Pakman who went on his usual far left lunatic rant so angered and triggered by Republicans who stand up to the liberal left-wing establishment and Tim Apple as alot of question to answer and why this maniac has worked hard to empower China and proudly boasts of making China richer so they then

can use their military to abuse and threaten neighbors is disgraceful especially using his monopolistic power as a tech overlord to bring about this nefarious plot and support for international socialism and communism. Tim Apple and his attack on Elon Musk's twitter in addition allowing Apple to give the names and protester location's to Chinese fascist Star Wars wearing scrub police force are other questions this pro-Chinese maniac Apple executive Tim Cook needs to answer and his support for the communist government repressing the demands and calls for freedom in China need to be criticized and Captain Tim Cook should be forced to relinquish his executive position for his support for Chinese authoritarianism and brutality. 

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