David Pakman has covid and is near death

  Jay Yang

    The Venezuelan Argentinean podcaster known  as David propagandist almost joined former podcaster Michael Brooks in hell the past week as David Pakman of the propagandist David Pakman show caught Covid and it almost killed the left-wing Marxist propagandist. David Pakman was off of his rocker sick to the bone and he had fill ins in for a week and many of the propagandists David Pakman is one of the  devoted propagandists and sycophants for Joe Biden and perhaps no bigger propagandist exists in the world of media than this dipshit. David Pakman is a troll and a Argentine Chev Guerra communist and how we have this Communist filth dirtwad  allowed to broadcast their lies and misinformation on-line in concentrated

propaganda is the YouTube piece of shit we will now refer to as David Propagandist. Being well in the last thing that David Hackman for the Democrats thought he had to worry about was health issues and the multi vaccinated and doubt triple boosted scumbag transnational Venezuelan and Argentine communist  got covid and he nearly died. David Pakman  aka the

propagandist was so sick and throwing up his guts he would come on his propaganda  program on Youtube and admit he has never felt so ill in his life and he was ready to go to the hospital and fill the wards allowing the health industry to make false claim the hospital are being over run in their collusion with the media. The media cannot shit up about Covid and this is because the

money is shared by both nefarious industries of Heath and media and thus the result is endless broadcasts about the need to mask up and take steps to stop the transmission of a virus and the constant fear mongering is going to be a perpetual result of this illusion. we are hoping Davis Pakman gets a visit form a medieval stork doctor or the grim reaper and we made the call to Backpage whores Letisha and Monique to make that dance and do their thing in rushing and bringing about this punk as bitches demise.

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