Did the cornball pop his 2-in dick while live streaming the Georgia election.?? Steve Kornacki looks forward to the 2024 election

    Trevor Travis

     Steve Kornecki has some hold on NBC as he is giving NFL playoff off percentages on NBC sports and the cornball continues to ridicule and make a mockery of media. Kornecki is eagerly awaiting the 2024 election where he can approach televisions and touch screens and in antoehr era this maniac mitgt of been  apor director and one can imagine the wonders he would do with this new technology. Korecki

supposedly popped and cummed during the Georgia special elections and people watching MSNBS live stream would of seen this cornball have a actual orgasm live on air. Kornecki loved the mid terms and the idea that the mid term elections gives to a dude like him is unmatched as Kornecki is the media election coverage and nothing best surmises  the corruption of our media and politics than a nerd like Steve

Kornecki having such a influential role in it. Steve Kornecki got so excited he wetted himself and somehow he managed to pop some juice from his little two inch penis and this clown is a joke NBC makes a mockery of sports broadcasting having this dipshit come on at halftime and tlak percentages an playoff possibilities of teams as this is a guy who likely got nuggies and wedgies   on a daily basis from footballers while he was in school. Kornecki wetting ir nutting himself was a disgusting scene and thankfully only those watching on Livestream on YouTube saw this pathetic sick display of a wuss fucker unable to control himself on live video. 

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