Dipshit Don Lemon of the CCP Network triggered by Andrew Calligan's assertions of corporate media

 Andy Cruz

   Make no mistake Don Lemonade of the Chinese owned CNN network is triggered like a rigger when ever the talk of his program and his network being manipulative fake media which it is and recnelty a guest came on and exposed the Lemon for what he is and that is part of the 24 news cycle and propaganda. Don Lemon interrupted the guest some Samuel Bankman looking freak film maker and insisted he retract and there was nothing fake about Mr Don Lemon and his network . naturally there is and CNN ranks  as among the worse of the violent news media content as they and their reporting were wholly responsible for the summer of rioting and the protest insurrections of the Floyd George riots and the amount of violent left-head pushing of extremism and cultural degradation . Andrew Callagan called out CNN and other

media companies and the lemon head  the interviewer short because Don lemon is who he is and this is a smarty fancy pants expensive watch  wearing elite. Don  Lemon is a piece of shit and who walks in and thinks he is the smartest person in the room and make no mistake again Don Lemon is toxic and bad for politics and our culture. 
 Both the right and the left podcast world whether ot be Gregory Foremon to Cenk Ogre's nephew Hasan Abi Piker or whatever both agreed that Don Lemon is a gaywad piece of shit and he is among the most media manipulative corporate racket pushing the global New Order agenda of the billionaire class wishing to set up lies and misinformation to meet their prerogatives.

 Don Lemon  is a fake news peddling grifter who should do what is right and this is to resign his position no  one likes Lemon and he is a national embarrassment with only perhaps the killer Joe Scarbrough being more of a fake news horseshit bullshit artist than the fakery of Don Lemon who I noticed no longer be dressing up like the Black Muslims or something and when he made the tradition form a bow to a tie is not known. Don Lemon was triggered like a snowflake because he knows Andrew Callagan's comments and the complicity of Don';s CCP Chinese network in driving the wedge between Americans is true and perhaps no more of a rotten ass fuck individual has played a part than th condensing news representation and presentations of Mr Lemon himself who is a sour fruit and a divisive ass as there ever has been in media and the silly jackass needs to seriously consider retirement. 

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