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Dr Disrespect is this disrespectful punk ass bitch gamer who has somehow managed to create a huge audience despite the fact he is about as entertaining as watching a New Zealand league soccer match. Dr Disrespect is actually Hershel Beame is some son of an elite who has used his fathers fortune to make some gaming name for himself as all this guy does is play video games wears a seventies era mustache and
acts important on YouTube and social media. Dr Disrespect is a clown and has little of value to say or knowledge to spread and scumbags like him being made into media stars for foolish youth is exactly what is wrong with the millennia and generation X Y and Z. Dr Disrespect is triggered and angered as his inbox to various e mail site have been filled to some meme with him looking like Wendy;s and he has pleaded with his fans to stop trolling him about this meme with the Wendy's logo evolving into his own image that is driving Herschel nuts.

opportunities for him to purchase more notoriety and feed his ego. The Wendy's corporation likely had a deal with this con man pretending Disrespect is more popular than he is and this is obviously a marketing campaign and his blame of Howard Stern for this supposedly " incessant" meme sharing and bothering of Herschel is just another troll where this guy trolls the XM Sirius satellite host as Hershel is Green in jealousy of his contract and because Lord Stern is fucking old as fuck the disrespectful one believes he is not worthy of continued media contracts.
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