Greg Gutfeld predicts a second Mexican war as Texas Guard occupy El Paso , Texas and Greg Abbout disheveled fidgety in Tucker Carlson interview

    Carson Tucker

   Finally Greg Abbott has put national guard troops along the US border with Mexico and Greg Abbot came on Tucker Carlson explaining how so many US Texas National Guardsmen are in other countries instead of Texas along our border and country. This is and always has been the ridiculousness of the border crisis allowing waves of illegal wetbacks from mexico and Guatemala into our country while serving to protect the overseas assets of the billionaire classes and nothing is being done about the invasion for this fact. Fox News host Greg Butterfield has suggested we bomb the shit out of Mexico  and the networks of the cartel organizations which is a terrorist organization and spreading fentanyl other hard core drugs to kill Americans and why the corrupt political class has not responded more appropriately is a stain on our

business and government elites. Greg Abbot seemed confused almost falling out of his wheel chair as Tucker asked hi the tough questions and he appeared as a Mitt Romnny type politician as Tucker Carlson wondered what took so long for him to get the military along the border and stop this invasive species and invasions. The military long needed to be here  as the Mex have been invading our country and destroying our culture for the past

two decades and another FOX news host says we need to take the cartel violence and wage war into Mexico itself and with all these predictions of a second ES civil war Greg us wondering why no one is predicting a second Mexican war as the Mex have been degrading and invading our countries the past two decades and members of both

political parties are complicit with this. Greg Gutfeld predicted a second Mexican civil war along with a second American Mexican war and this is what will be needed to once and for all end the scourge of the narco state and Mexico needs to be broken up into several states of varying size and degree with more opportunity for international  investing to get rid of the gangs and loser scum involved in narco and human trafficking  much like how and what Nayib Bukele is doing to MS 13 mass arresting disappearing them in El Salvador and several small state with henchmen supported by the global world order is preciously what Mexico needs. 

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