Hal Sparks keeps trying to pick Donald Trump Jr's brain as homo Hal in love with Trump II and as Junior considers runnig for president in 2028

 Brian Brain

   The homosexual rainbow nation representative and media consultant bad comedian and horseshit pod caster Hal Sparks can't stop obsessing with Donald Trump Jr and the elder Trump. In the case of Donald Trump Junior Hal Sparks is so

smitten with him he wants and desire him sexually. Mr Sparks  cries himself into sleep waking often to a wet bed wishing Trump Junior shared his bed. Hal Sparks is always talking and trying to pick the brain of Donald Trump Junior as Hal Park wants to go full drag😋

woman and he would jump at the opportunity to get Trump to be his husband and Sparks would love to transition into a woman for the son of Trump. Hal Sparks brain is bobble busted there are so many dead brain cells as this turkey goes to Galloping Ghost arcade on Brookfield, Illinois spends his night pretending to play Zaxxon and Space Invaders when in fact the is looking at young men and boys.

Hal Sparks is sick in his brain and instead of worrying about Donald Trump Juniors brain and whether Trump junior will be running for president in the future Hal Sparkles needs a brain surgeon and a doctor to move around the stems in his dismantled and scrambled brain. Hal Sparks is either a heavy narcotic

illegal drug user or he is a ranting raging lunatic who should be institutionalized in a mental or lunatic hospital. Hal Sparks sand his fellow gay co-host Johnny Million have this bald head dick fetish and both desperately want one day to share this fetish with their forty thousand subscriber base. Hal Sparks is a😟 dipshit, he always has been a dipshit, and he always will dip and dive into other peoples shit and his bairn is cell

damaged form constant  trolling and hate of conservatives and Republicans as Al Sparks tries to aid his Democrat party benefactors that allow this fool to be on the radio and produce hos podcast with the bald and ugly lover  Johnny Million. There are rumors swirling Trump Junior is going to run in 2028 and he will pick Kid Rick to be his running  mate and whether this libshit Hal Parks likes it or not the Trump dynasty will be a force to reckon in the future much to the dismay of this lib rainbow jag and his boyfriend Johnny Million. 😑

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