Jimmy Dore bashes the ass of Ben Collins and Mehdi Hasan as these reporters attack Matt Taibbi exposing Twitter ceonsporship agianst conservatives their support for left-wing Democrats

 Arnold Armstrong

   Jimmy Dore along with his partner Kurt Metzger and journalist Max Bloomenthal looked at the recent insane viral and direct campaign of hate against reporter Matt Taibbi and Dore and his crew mocked each and everyone of these leftist Democratic part shills on MSNBC and other media. Jimmy Dore eviscerated these media hacks all getting the memo and attacking journalist Matt Taibbi for bringing about information on ho the Democratic party and the Biden administration used the political power on Twitter to prevent information of this scumbag career politicians corrupt son and how Biden used

politics to economically benefit his son and family. These political jagoffs like MSNBCs Mehdi Hasan say Matt Taibbi is shilling for the worlds richest man while this fuck head shills for a major corporation of major globalist agenda and his network is the race network totally hating on those with white skin and are American and its an utter disgrace a libshit like Mehdi Hasan is given access to America broadcasting.The Dore team also bashed the ugly fuck liberal Pravda Jew Ben Collins who also is a major contributor and the race network MSNBC does nothing but put vile scum lie  Collins and Hasan on the air to basiclaly troll this country and disdain it .

The MSNBC radical left wing Communist and Baath party propagandists and perpetual scumbags Ben Collins and Mehdi Hasan of the racist network known as MSNBS


     Matt Tabbi is able to deliver this Twitter bias and censorship against Republicans thanks to Elon Musk's new ownership of this sinister manipulative Twitter site brought about news how the  previous ownership of Jack Dorsey at Twitter used this platform to help and aid the Democrat politicians and establishment as much as they can . Mehdi Hasan also is a nefarious evil sick individual whose work on MSNBC is extreme and he is someone attempting to bring a one party state in America, Mehdi is from the lands and stans of the camels and he has long been supportive of the Baath Party of Iraq Syria , and Egypt and this type of wicked governance police surveillance state and

government is something Mehdi has is striving to bring for the Democratic Party. Both Ben Collins and the Egyptian magician are sycophants for Joe Bozo Biden and they are basiclaly paid money to express live for the eighty year old former senator and illegitimate president of the United States.In addition Hasan Mehdi is a dumb ass dipshit and has the entertainment aspect of a caterpillar. it was great to see Dore and Blomenthal rip and tear into the ass of these Brown Pakistani fascists like Hasan and Wajahlit Ali as these foreign born Baath Partiests  seek to bring about a radical socialist agenda if repression that was the trademark of Baath Party rule in Syria and Iraq. Hasan and these others on the media left attacked Matt Taibbi because they are media fascists sick and neurotic to the bone and Mehdi Hasan and his propaganda is a clear and present danger to this country.

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