JP Sears roasts former FTC scam artist and big time Democratic party operative Samuel Bankman Fried

   Ed West

      Once again Mr Sears has had a huge guest on his amazing YouTube channel where the anti-Biden freedom fighter and yogi master had none other than recently bailed out scumbag Samuel Bankman Fried on his program. Bankman Fried is the libshit funny voiced former Bitcoin agency owner who dabbled and worked as a middlemen between investor and those wanting to invest in Bitcoin to those who want to sell and trade cryptocurrencies. JP Sears blasted the shit and lost his cool with the stupidity and avoidance of answering certain easy questions and again many of the far left podcasters continue to ignore Samiel Bankman Friend not even doing one program on such a fraudulent donor to the Democratic party. Bankman refused t answer questions and he was filed with sweat during this interview as JP intimidated him and confronted him on several accounts of the charges pressed against him . Bankman

Fried is freed thanks to the wealth of his parents who bailed out this silly bastard so he would not be prisoner raped in the show. Samuel Bankman Fried is man on the run and he knows he is gong to do a long time and he couldn't talk often speaking in tongues during this interview and being admonished by the rock star YouTube host who has already two million subscribers and JP Sears continues to mock and ridicule the radical Marxist " progressives' in out society and his attack on their funding sources was seen throughout this roasting interview

where he destroyed Fried-Bacon. Samuel was lost in space unable to comprehend e and he is on suicide watch or possible murder form the Democratic party and globalists a she is extremely worried that somehow Obama and Hillary Clinton may order his execution as Bankman Fried will show and expose all sorts of monetary global corruption that goes hand in hand with the evil Democratic Party. Samuel Fried-Bacon needs a pick me up perhaps some sex and coke before its too late  long as ensure this man goes to trial to expose why he stole all this money and under what directive geo-political force helped achieve this needs to be exposed. Bankman needs a hot chick to get laid instead of the fog faced gremlins that lived on his home in th egrpoup sex he was having and whether Samuel Bankman becomes a Richard Speck fuck fest in prison seminarians to be seen but this is a scene many are rooting to occur. 

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