Mancow Mueller returns to YouTube and podcasting has Roger Stone has his guests and they both bash the shit out of Hal Sparks gay ass

 Milton Wiener

    Mancow Muller came back to his podcast after some time off and his had usual guest and media whore Roger Stone who is a former rocker and lead guitarist for what the Cow calls the greatest rock band in history of the Kinks. Mancow Muller paid tribute to Roger Stone's rock group and the Rock N Roll legend Roger Stone pretty much agreed that the temperament of the Kinks was primarily responsible for the black listing and ignoring of this band whom real music aficionados

insist was the best band in music history better than the Rolling Stones and Beatles. Mancow Muller is a former shock jock rock star a beast legend of the microphone and Mr Stone in addition to being his legendary rick star that played a

mean mean guitar also is a key Trump ally and supporter. Both men bashed the fascists form the  political left and fake news conglomerate sin addition to the more obscure mini fascists and Pravda announcers and Mancow Muller bashed fellow Chicago based broadcaster the homo Hal Sparks. Mancow Muller  and Roger Stone stated that Hal Sparks does too many videos  and he is a Pravda liar dishonest neurotic and eccentric foot propagandist for this sick nothing but trouble president and illegitimate leader Joe Biden --who is a ruthless arrogant authoritarian and a Bozo clown character who is a danger to our freedom and democracy.
 Stone and Muller eviscerated this dip shit dummy known as Al Sparks who has this boring left-wing radical program on syndication distributed to these radical Marxist radio stations and he offers nothing but pro-Democratic Party talking points and Sparks is a arrogant dipshit thinking he is bigger than these Republican leaning broadcasters and politicians he mocks on his 40,000 subscriber base YouTube channel. Hal Sparks is stupider than a spider with four legs and it is great to hear other broadcasters podcaster  the lies of this POS Hal Sparks who was star of some

lame nineties gaywad program call "Queer Ass" or something a reality show of this stupid bad comedian and life living in Los Angles and going to peep shows bath houses for strange encounters with strangers, gringos, , and Mexican hustlers. Hal sparks is a fuck wad always supporting of the Ukraine war and our involvement and spending and if this jerk feels so strongly we have to support this corrupt overseas land and stan he need to get his ass over there and volunteer to fucking fight get armed instead of being the Ukrainian flag soy boy beta male wanting others killed for fighting this cause. Al Sparks is a gutless big mouth coward who should get his fag ass over to Ukraine if he believes we need to get involved for this corrupt rainbow pushing government of Volodome Zelensky.  We believe the overwhelming evidence shows that this troll fucker Hal Sparks supports and wants us to get involved and have American boys and girls die because he has a this fantasy love for the Ukrainian president and Mr Park wants the Ukraine leader to lead his dick and park his cock hard into Hal's ars. 

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