Max Keiser Orange Pills Ticker Carlson on his podcast exposes Samuel Bankman Fried differentiates them form Nayib Bukele

      Thomas Assbrook

       The Bitcoin pusher and lover Max Keiser is always bullish on cryptocurrency and is a radical dude like no other as he is the number one enemy of the Calling the American economy one built on fraud Max Keiser says the producers are monetary domination and policy strictures of paper money.  Calling the American economy one built on fraud Keiser says America is eating itself as the producers ad BRICS are setting the prices and the days of the American dollar and its global hegemony and shit like Samuel Bankman fried is just the tip of the ice berg as any financial transaction and investment in America is a scandal. Keiser went on to bash the American business class and the FTX scandal is another example

of this fraudulent society and the message the lying business press continues to narrate is all Bitcoin investment is a volcano scam ready to blow up when the truth of the matter when done honest and right it is superior to other investments and this is exactly why the American business press continues to lie about it. The sagacious Keiser says Bitcoin done right like it is being done in El Salvador is the best method for governments and freedom and this is why he live sin El Salvador and Keiser predicted El Salvador is in motion to grow and expand. 
 Keiser Orange pilled Ticker Carlson on Tucker's private for subscription podcast, Max Carson also bashed the fake Indian and explained why sitting idiot US senator of the extreme left lie Elizabeth Warner wish to decrypt and devaluized  cryptocurrencies as for the Warren's of the world the power of the government to be able to hold a monopoly and distribute money is something they are not willing to share or have endangered and both Tucker and Keiser bashed

the living ass out of this horrendous US senator  wicked witch from Massachusetts and Mars. Elizabeth Warner is a radical and she seeks to attack the freedom ability and offering Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies can provide once the fraud is destroyed and clearly the government cartels are setting up these scammers to smear and attack cryptocurrencies and this was the message Max Keiser provided by his appearance on Mr Carlson's program.

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