Natan Levy has enough of Kenye West challeges him to the ring and a fight

   Runs Like Cougar

    Natan Levy is this stud muffin Jewish MMA fighter who chews bubblegum and kicks ass. Mr Levy has issued a fight challenge and told Kenya West to come to him if he has any problem with the Jewish people and community as Levy like many American Jews have gotten sick and tired of this egotistical Black rapper talking shit like he was a member of the SSE guards and West is embarrassing himself and his fans with all of his actions,words,  and neurotic behavior. Mr Natan Levy has leveled many MMMA anti-Semitic fighters in the past that come from the lands of Islam and the Central stans and other lands in

Asia and he is more than willing to bust up a big mouth celebrity. Ye West would not be doing any interviews for weeks if he mustered up the courage and got into a ring with this beast and hopefully for Kanye either Nick Fuentes or Milo Yianinannipolis warns the former Chicago R and B singer whatever not to be baited and get into the ring with Mr Levy no matter how much Ye hates the fucking  the Jews.

Kanye Ye is best to avoid ever getting face to face and discussing Jews in front of this  UFC beast who quite literally would tear the liver out of Mr West and he would make Kanye's health go South in no time. Mr West has bitten off more than he can show but the man is such a narcissist if there is a good price and money offer this clown Kanye likely would take the challenge up and enter the cage ring of the MMA with Natan Levy and get his ass kicked.  Mr West has a big mouth and we would suggest as a hot dog he get involved in the hot dog cony island eating contest and come fave to face with Joey Chestnut instead and he can bust his nuts about the Jews as they fight to win Nathans Hot dog eating contest and I'm sure Kanye would have a natural talent of eating dogs.

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