Recep Taryipp Erdogan warns Greece he is ready to send missile storm soon to Athens

  Alex Mopusolopolouous

    The Turkish dog and dictator Recep Tayipp Erdogan is again off his rocker and threatening Greece as this insane dictator is losing touch with reality . Erdogan warned Greeks that he now has missiles that are capable of reaching Athens and why Recep Erdpgan is now attacking Greece is unknown but there seems to be historical animosities through the years between these two nations thanks to psychotic leaders like this dog shit eating vermin who is not popular outside the most extremist populations of

sharia law supporters and the extreme socialists of Turkish society that support such a savage like Tayipp underdog. it appears the Turks and their wicked mad dog dictator are upset because Greeks are militarizing some disputed island chains and as a sovereign nation the Greeks are decoding to where to pt troops where they believe are more crucial than other parts of their country and this sovereign decision  is something this sick mother fucker Tayipp Recep is triggered by the continued build up of the Greek military near his border. Recep Tayipp is under the idea that somehow Greece and the Balkans are still under the Ottoman Empire and this crazed dictator poses a danger to the region and he must be overthrown 
 Mr Dogagon should be kicked out of NATO and this Turkish blood lusting evil dictator will never get in the European Union and man are advising these European nations that this Turk is sick and evil they will never assimilate into our culture and heritage and their mere presence poses a danger that the Greeks being on their border always seems to have to face and have faced and stood up for the millennial keeping the Roman empire tradition going for a millennial against the onslaught of Muslim wicked invaders who thought they could over run the east Romans and Greeks as they had their original Arab brethren and the rest of the Middle East and North Africa. 

The sick repulsive Islmaicist dictator and Turkish supremacist Recep Tayipp

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