Scumbag Maryland senator Jamie Raskin has Trump derange cancer

 Woody Underwood

    The news that Maryland propagandist and fascist politician Jamie Raskin's cancer is good news especially given the fact this scoundrel evil fucker has been a cancer on our political system. Jame Raskin and his doctors announced that he has this terminal cancer diagnosed as he didn't feel well and this maniac has been shitting on our democracy and attacking it from within for decades as he is one of the worse politicians in our nations history. 

 Much like the January 6th committee Jamie " the rat" Raskin is again lying out of his miserable misanthropic life as he says he has a curable form of cancer and this is horseshit. Mr Raskin should  be forced to resign from congress as his sickness is detrimental to the job of a congressman and this guy likely got what he deserved fro God as what comes around

goes around and without a doubt Raskin got cancer because of his vendetta and lies against Mr Trump The Fourth ugly stooge was given cancer by God for his work on the goal to bring about a one party oligarchy where politicians like him gain even more power for little work. In fact, the work that this rat Democrat bastard Jamie Raskin does is ensuring the undemocratic nature of his political party as they seek to smear and destroy Donald Trump because he dared to challenge the status quo and their use of global trade and government to enrich themselves and the amount of grift this fourth stooge jackass

Jamie Raskin has stolen  through his role in government is likely in the multi-millions.  Jamie Raskin  has Trump Derange syndrome that lead to his blood cancer that contrary to what this habitual  corrupt and liar politician will not be curable and Jamie Raskin is on his fucking death bed wish list and will be in it soon. Thus with this in mind Jamie Raskin is being rushed to a large hospital getting the best of health care as a special elite privileged member of the political class and we can only hope his chemo immune therapy doesn't last ling as the mockery of Raskin and other libshits on Rush Limbaugh therapy illness is not forgotten. We have called out favorite Craiglist and Backpage bed whores to basiclaly make this death dance to help speed up Jamie's retirement as this toxic  fifth old stooge look-alike needs to go away .

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