Sick Sonny Side eats grasshoppers tacos in Oxaco and shows no shame

 Chuck " Cheese Puff" Goodwin


    Sonny Side of the Best Ever Food Network has done it again and the man is eating bugs and insects left and right part of the agenda global drive to get and wean people away from meat consumption and to eat plant glop and bugs. Sonny Side is the worse food taste reviewer and travels for free around the planet trying anything and willing to est and I am convinced this man will be the first to broadcast a actual cannibal meal on YouTube, 

Sonny Side went to the weirdo Mexican state of Oaxaca a region and part of the world where they will eat anything that moves and basiclaly Sonny Side reviewed street food and whenever anyone goes to these other parts of the world and eats street food they open themselves up to eat weird shit including bugs and insects. Mr Side found an old street vendor selling Mexican food glop pout of a tostidos bags and the shit that

Sonny ate almost made me barf. Sonny had eaten and allowed himself to be persuaded by this freak to eat some tacos from hell and only fools in Oaxaca. Mexico would be willing to eat and Mr Sonny ate grasshopper tacos on a pork taco dish mixed with tons of corn and grasshopper he devoured  it like it was escargo or caviar. Sonny Side ate and loved these Grasshoppers tacos and he went on a schpeel how we need to be more sustainable and spoke the same libtard dialogue how in order to save the planet grasshoppers, cockroaches, and crickets on the menu are going to have to replace Lamb, pork, and beef and that people will have to get use to it and they will like it. Sonny Side doesn't like thousand videos a year and the incredible neuroticism of his program and his content could be a vlog or blog in its own right and we will continue to review the weird big eating and pushing grasshopper eater who calls himself and his YouTube channel teh Best Food Taste reviewer or whatever, I didn't known what country Sonny Side thinks he is from as her often

states he is from Minnesota growing up but in America we not eat like the Oxacans or Mexicans or whatever and he need to do what is right and now show this grotesque eating of insects and bugs in his videos as it is pretty fucking gross. Anyone who pushes the eating of crickets and grasshoppers as a viable meal option is sick in the head and has meal worms in his stomach and likely maggots in his brain and either this mans bandanna  is tied too tightly or he is insane in the membrane from eating all of this whack shit. 


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