Television executives worried about SKIPR and other possible commercial skipping programs

   Ryne "Bozo" Bosworth

    Television commercials are a scam and should not really exist and now of several up and coming companies have their way the days of being forced to have to see and listen to shit heads push a product can come to an end. Arrogant television executives have fought attempts for the customer and viewer sot by pass commercials and not be forced to watch such garbage and a company called SKIPR now will be offering this to be available in the future and hopefully this idea and companies like SKIPR can spread

and be a option viable holding for future television viewers. Skipr needs to grow and expand and the days of these celebrities getting tons of money to tlak shit ad push the fakeness of having such been a promoter of this item needs to come to an end. SKIPR is an idea that should  of existed decades ago and the

advertising power likely has prevented it because given a choice maybe half the country-would love to turn the commercials off and nowt be burden with the stupidity and distraction of it and the desperation attenmot for these advertisers to get people to pay attention to their product pushing and hopefully this is
 issue will be addressed where the viewer has options to totally not have to be forced to watch these mundane commercials that have nothing important  or relevant for the average person. Commercials are a by product of the crony capitalism world where consumer monopolistic push their product in wasteful spending that benefits their position and subsidizes the media and entertainment industries and this is why they resisted and will resist something like a commercial skipping app or program people could be

available to purchase some day so they don't have to see fuck asses like Snoop Dogg or Kevin Hart in commercial looping over and over again. Skipr is product we have needed for along time and hopefully this will be the vestment opportunity in the future and something that can lead the end of the advertising hustle and fraud that the networks long colluded to to find their networks and programs and now has become a funnel fr growing inequality allowing already rich celebrities more access for attention and the screen often funded openly and inexplicably by the corrupt monopolistic four big banking companies themselves. 

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