Washington football fans press for a rebrand with Daniel Snyder sale and our 100 names for the Washington football

 Leo Yost 

   Daniel Snyder is selling the Washington Commanders and many people are looking forward to the rebrand of this team as the Commanders team has provided to be very unpopular with the fams base in our nations capital. Many have pointed out there is a new opportunity for a re brand with this weasel Daniel  Snyder who once refused and said the Washington Redskins would never change their name as long as he breathed air on Earth,

100   Washington Presidents         99          Washington Wizards          98    Washington Aviators

 97    Washington Hot dogs              96   Washington Warlords           95    Washington Werewolves 

  94   Washington Renegades   93   Washington Generals       92    Washington Lumberjacks

91   Washington Warriors         90 Washington Hogzillas         89  Washington Patriots 

88 Washington Mustangs        Washington politicians                86   Washington Crushers

85   Washington Redmen        84   Washington karate Masters          83   Washington Redcoats

82   Washington Bombers       81   Washington Skinners        80   Washington Leaders

 79   Washington  Savages       78   Washington Whales           77 Washington Insiders

76   Washington Breakers       75 Washington Globalists    74   Washington Coasters

73  Washington Lions              72 Washington Presidents          71   Washington Sailors

70    Washington Scumbags       69  Washington Pumas              68   Washington Soldiers

Washington     Bullets            66   Washington Chickasaw          65   Washington  Gorillas

 Washington   Warmongers       64   Washington Virus fighters    63   Washington Indians

62    Washington Outlaws         61  Washington Owls                    60   Washington Ostriches

59  Washington Oilers              58  washing Witches                    57   Washington Mexicans

 56    Washington Capitals         55 Washington  Tin men            54   Washington Scarecrows

Washington Chicken Lions         52   Washington Rebels              51    Washington Saxons

Washington   Vultures              49    Washington Sharks              48  Washington Rangers

47   Washington Billionaires     46   Washington Germs             45  Washington Animals

44   Washington  senators            43   Washingtonian Moneymakers      42   Washington Fraudsters

41    Washington Crusaders       40  Washington Media Monarchs           39     Washington Ukrainians

38    Washington  Fighting Picts     37   Washington Barracudas        36   Washington Musketeers

35  Washington Globetrotters       34   Washington Volcanoes          33   Washington mavericks 

Washington River snakes                    31   Washington Monsters         30  Washington Internationalists

29   Washington Musicians              28 Washington Rockers              27   Washington  Tacos

  26   Washington Lizards             25     Washington   Blueskins             24  Washington Boxers

Washington Rotweilers               22     Washington    Spinners               23   Washington Anacondas

Washington Porkskins                  19   Washington Monuments              18    Washington Bullfrogs

  Washington Toadskins                16    washington Piegoons                  15     Washington Rhinos

14     Washington Admirals            13   Washington Defenders                 1 2     Washingtonian Tiger Kings

  11  Washington Bearskins                   10    Washington Aliens                   9    Washington  Bald Eagles

8   Washington Jackasses                7      Washington Jokers                         6    Washington Pigskins

  5  Washington Americans               4    Washington leather heads              3     Washington  Goose feathers 

   2    Washington   SkinReds               1   Washington Red Heads 

and the number one team name for a Washington re brand we suggest and come up with the Washington Red Heads which cold mean so many things and maybe in this version will be another cardinal based mascot. Daniel Snyder will need to do what is right and sell that team and thus another transition of this franchiser can occur with a new name but perhaps keeping the current logo and look can remain for the team formerly known as the Washington Pigskins.

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