Runs Like Cougar
Mark Dice unlevered and his personal feud again FOX News host Sean Hannity continued as the Diceman hates Hannity and he has established this man as a Rhino and not really the conservative he tried to portray for himself. Mark Dice has declared war nd bashed Hannity's ass as he gave Colorado conservative slack for not bowing immediately to the wishes of the RNC and having Californian corrupt establishment candida Kevin Mccarthy roll over and be the speaker of the House without any
discussion or negotiation. Hannity lost it when he spoke to Loren Boebert and as Dice points out this is because Sean Hannity represents the interests and is a established member of he mainstream media and doesn't differ any alternative viewpoints to be expressed often supporessing callers in the past trough his lamedick radio program.
The Dice man called out Hannity as the fool and tool for the establishment and how he has a big mouth full of hot air when he is debating people and his actions and attack of his guest and Colorado congresswoman Lauren
Boebert who is often a target from radical Democrats was further proof of what the Dice has been saying of Hannity for years and that he is a rude fucker working with the deep state establishment. Sean Hannity will slowly set like a old soldier and he will eventually fade away much like Bill O'Reilly and the dice man says this is good as Hannity is bad for conservatives and speaks with fork tongue not really a conservative but loos and sounds alot like the Rhinos whether it be Mitt Romney and John Mccain and ow Mr Kevin Mccarthy and this is why Sean supported Mr mcCarthy and didn't want any debate for speakers position.
Boebert who is often a target from radical Democrats was further proof of what the Dice has been saying of Hannity for years and that he is a rude fucker working with the deep state establishment. Sean Hannity will slowly set like a old soldier and he will eventually fade away much like Bill O'Reilly and the dice man says this is good as Hannity is bad for conservatives and speaks with fork tongue not really a conservative but loos and sounds alot like the Rhinos whether it be Mitt Romney and John Mccain and ow Mr Kevin Mccarthy and this is why Sean supported Mr mcCarthy and didn't want any debate for speakers position.
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