Narcissistic big mouth Shannon Sharpe makes an issue on the king's court

 Jason Fool

     King James of the Los Angeles Lakers needs to call out the Court Jester and punish the big mouth narcissist Shannon Sharp. The ESPN annalist Sharpe is his punk ass bitch who works for ESPN and who played NFL ball some decades ago and somehow he still has managed a corporate Media Sports job despite the fact that no one likes him and he's a big mouth jackass. The ego of this fool Shannon Sharpe is still like he is a modern NFL athletes and this someone should remind this idiot he is no longer an

athlete and has immediate analyst he needs to know his role and shut up and act appropriately Shannon Sharp once again made the a scene and a fucking fool of himself  getting into a near fight and brawl at the end of a game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the and this idiot should be banned for the rest of the year from any NBA game Shannon Sharpe is a narcissistic  foolish big mouth who has disgraced ESPN and why this news sports network continues to employ

this jackass big mouth we will never understand and once again we are calling for the firing of Shannon Sharpe from ESPN Shannon sharp is a ranting raging psychopath who adds absolutely nada to sports analyst and Sports Talk television and the media and this man should have been fired years ago. Shannon Sharpe and his latest travesty  on the Kings Court is further proof what we call that this guy is a clown he is an idiot and he is a court jester and King James LeBron needs to quit hanging around this buffoon and

to tell disposal to get lost. Shannon Sharpe is a total fool and  disgrace not only for the National Football League but now you can add the National Basketball Association and what he pulled on the court the other day was a total joke and David Stern and the NBA commissioner Adam Silver need to seriously consider Banning this clown perhaps indefinitely from the NBA.

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