Roman Balmokov calls out fat ass of JB Pritzker and gloats at the resistance of sheriffs office and courts against this madman

         Archie Bannister

   The epoch Tines is one of the better outstanding internet media sites run by this slick youngster named Roman Balmokov who is a investigative rock star and critic of the fascism of the Democratic Party and the Center of disease Control . Roman also is a expert on China based in Taiwan reports  on the evils of the Winnie the Pooh Orange dictator of China in Jinping Xi who essentially rules todays Democrats outside of Nancy Pelosi. The Chinese genocidal mass killer definitely pulls the strings for the bozo idiot Joe Biden. Mr Balmokov has been waging news wars against the evil of the CCP and its purchased and bought politicians such as piggie from Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and I would add the ugly duck face Tammy Duckworth herself as the CCP installed one of their own into the US senate as well with the junior senator from Illinois.  The Epoch Times editor and founder is

worth billions and he will continue to fight the socialism of China and the internationalist socialists Inc that prefer Chinese hegemony over the world and this is a goal the Hyatt heiress and thirties era looking gangster JB Prizker of Illinois along  with the usual suspects of Adam Schiff, Charles Schumer. Jerry Nadler , Jamie Ratkin etc etc.

Mr Balmokov blasted  the authoritarian gun grab of this pig monster Governor and I was surprised to see the epoch Times editor based internationally to do a while YouTube program on this 1920's Al Capone looking tug that is this prick Pigztsker and blasted his entire administration and authoritative approach against the constitution and bill of rights. Mr Balmokov is surprised more people in the Land of Lincoln are not picketing in from of this pigs home or headquarters in Cicero, Illinois every day as what we have in Illinois is a pig fat fucker acting like a God dam dictator and it is laughable and a God dam joke that the media of the left-wing causes actually speaks with fork tongues of this silver spoon bastard being presidential material. Make no mistake JB Boss Hogg is a weirdo the man cross dresses as a

woman and he and the suppose sister "Jennifer" are the same one never sees the two a the same place and this maniac is on par as evil and disturbed as the gangsters of a hundred or years ago such as Bugsy Malone and "Little" Leo Pazofelli or whatever and we need to have a recall election to get this gun confiscating nutball out of the Governors mansion as this man likely has rigged elections and used the massive global war chest to purchase elections with the media alhying and loving JB Pritzker as much as Pritzker loves a 45 ounce steak and eating lobster and twenty pork chops a weekend,  

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