Dmitri Diamond
Back in the day in early Hollywood there was this fat actor named Fanny Arbuckle who got in trouble and was charged with manslaughter for killing a prostitute. There are reports that this incident has once again occurred during the Switzerland meeting at Davos as there were reportedly thousands of prostitutes who flew in for the event although we believe this corrupt an doney funneling shit cntry
always has prostitutes in the thousands and this is nothing new, Illinois pig dictator and large jackass . One also can't blame these power hungry fucks like Pritzker as his wife is a dog-faced Gremlin as Rick Steiner would say and the pig likely needs some time away from this shit. JB Pritzker was there and reportedly he got sashed and squashed several prostitutes with one who was actually smashed to death ad the sickness of JB Pritzker is accomplishing this sick death act is not
surprising given the legendary corruption and gangster identity of this fat governor of Illinois whom one day the feds will have to go after . JB Pritzker is a dead ringer for Al Capone and much like eventually Al Capone wa brought down along with modern times when El Chapo was brought down ad is currently locked p as the global criminal that he is and Fattie Pritzker likely will get away with his smothering act
much like the 19 tens era fat actor known as Fatty Arbuckle. Pritzker is a global criminal devoted with attacking our Bill of Rights and our constitution and this maniac is public enemy number one in the Midwest and the class of Covid mini me Democratic dictators need to be confronted and resisted mighty by freedom minded and free thinking people and this evil fat dictator is a walking demon in this world. This man I am so convinced is a drag dresser and he and his sister Jennifer Pritzker are one in the same and the sickness of Pritzker's billionaire family and criminal syndicate knows no bounds and Pritizker and his so-called sister are sicker than dog that eats its own tail.
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