Ed West
WIND radios Shaun Thompson eviscerate done of the most powerful and jack fuckers in the US senate the perpetual enor senator and corrupt bastard senator from Illinois "the dickhead" Dick Durbin. Mr Dullbin and other Democratic politicians were investigating TicketMaster in more political theatre kabuki and more political garbage that the voters in the Land of Lincoln realize that Dick Durbin is in the polticla world. Dick Durbin is a habitual liar and a forever policia often head of committees
The dickhead is a dipshit a awful politician and typical Democrat rat bastard scum and Mr Thompson blasted Dick Durbin and his fat wife for the sick disturbing corrupt individuals that they are representing the massive corruption that Illinois and the Chicago area has become as this is South Korean/Indian Canada goose corrupton jacket wearing area of rotten sick souls and indeed perhaps many do get the vote out and elect one of their own during these senate runs for the uncharasmatic and mentally demented Dick Durbin.
Mr Durbin is one in a long line of rotten lying misinformation spreading politicians and an outlet for spending and influence from the corrupted class
and the global corruption of business and government is what the dick head senior senator from Illinois is all about. The Illinois senator has been waging a war on he Middle class and he constitution and perhos no more individual is more sicker and evil of a politician than he dickhead senator from Illinois.
Shaun Thompson eviscerated this prick troll politicians scumbag and if he organized this crusade against Ticketmaster it must be a reason and major donation demands going through the brian less thick skull of Dick Durbin and this is a explanation why Durbin os roasting and asking tough questions to the ticket master CEO while this fuck head Durbin ignores the massive corruption from China and elsewhere in this globalized fraudulent economy.
Shaun Thompson eviscerated this prick troll politicians scumbag and if he organized this crusade against Ticketmaster it must be a reason and major donation demands going through the brian less thick skull of Dick Durbin and this is a explanation why Durbin os roasting and asking tough questions to the ticket master CEO while this fuck head Durbin ignores the massive corruption from China and elsewhere in this globalized fraudulent economy.
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