Alex Leatherwood
The hard knocks Joe Rogan and frequent real journalism Matt Taibbi appeared together again in a reverberating podcast and tlak the other week. The dynamic duo bashed the last strands of hairs and any little manhood former CNN reporter Brian Stelter had on his head and now it is official and he has more hair on his bunch often hiding his two inch dick than what he has on his head. Bald head Joe Rogan
bashed fellow bald head Brian Stelter while hat wearing to cover up bald head Matt Taibii laughed and both were on glee being able to to the Mark Dice tradition and mocking the lame ass voice of Brian Stelter and saying this fool was a tool for the globalists and spoke their talking points and thus was invited by Klaus Schwab himself to represent the media and get highlifted and a financial reward for his hard work on MSNBC ofr CNN.

Taibbi and Roman called out the fat clown and spokesperson for global one world governments that this media hackass Brian Stelter served his masters and his performance though became so miserable and he became such a fool and a tool for the opposition that even the globalist realized they had to get this bald bozo Stelter gone and quite frankly this man was so ugly he should never even attained the media camera position he did.

Brian Stelter is a jackass bald head and a half a man installed in the media by the likes of Geroge Soros and Klaus Schwabb and only this is why this fuck trolls would allow such a dweeb shit like Brian Stelter to be their representative. Mr Stelter owns his career to the likes of the global order and men of this stature and Mr Stelter is a proud advocate for the deep state and global ties controlling all of the worlds governments.
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