Kevin Rooster
To say that YouTube's crazed psychopath Johnny Harris hates and is obsessed with America and knocking it at every opportunity is an understatement. Johnny Harris is a commie bastard from hell ad his YouTube channel one sees this come about as Mr Harris is a communist socialist intent on propagandize and lying for the undemocratic socialist order.😐 Mr Harris did a video on milk as apparently he thinks milk has been bad for this country and done all of its work against feeding kids and people through the years as Johnny
Harris apparently has issues with the ability of the United States to prevent mass starvation and be able to fed its people through the ages. Johnny Harris would of preferred if American children didn't eat cheap cheese and drank milk and the government cheese storied in warehouse for times of hunger and emergency is apparently something that Johnny Harris has a problem and doesn't want to see.😴

Johnny Milk couldn't stop talking his usual nonsense and horseshit and this man attacks the government and dairy farmers to get subsidies and promote what is essentially a crucial nutrient drink for children and all at times of food shortages and given that America didn't have mass starvation during the depression the milk economic policies actually were a good thing. Of course for the Communist silly fuck Johnny Harris that dairy farmers were subsidized and aided by the government is a bad thing for whatever reason and perhaps this foo would want the government to endorse and promote the selling of crickets and grass hoppers.😝

In Johnny Harris deranged mind mass starvation and painful hunger experiences is preferable for this nut case and something he wished America shad experienced and he appears triggered that Milk and mass cheese existed in america that acted as a bulwark against such humanity ills that other shit hole countries and past empires were unable to provide for its people through the ages and this idiot savant crazed leftist is actually upset American had a strong solid dairy industry to fight against this scourge in humanity, Johnny Harris is without a doubt insane in the membrane as Loco from Cyprus Hollywood rap about. Despite what Mr Harris says there is nothig wrong with drinking animal cattle milk as man has done it and survived for a long time indeed thrived populations expanded and given the likelihood that Harris is some climate Nazi demanding of population reduction this could explain why this jerk little lefty Johnny hates milk.
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