Polly Cracker
Packing explosive to backyard neighborhood angry birds and especially the Blue Jay and their Cardinal is being worked right now in laboratories and research centers and a s a caged parakeet I am totally supportive of it. A rare glimpse of a kamikaze Cardinal was captured recently by a wildlife nature photographer named Brand Paulsen who was incinerated shortly taking the photograph outside a research and avian center in the rural outbacks of the Ozarks. What the government didn't know was he was live framing photos and the last image of Mr Paulsen was of a Cardinal flying right into him packed
Crazed Cardinal bio-research weapon Cardinal YtR998234 |
with a high explosive mini men charge that ignited on full hard contact that is provided by a brain-lacked and controlled Cardinal. This new type of weapon will be crucial for survival of the battlefield as cardinals may become the biggest bird brain dependent weapon of nature and feather not seen since the original passenger pigeon carrying crucial messages and making its first appearance in the Franco Prussian war and peaked in importance during World War I before being fizzled out as soldiers enjoyed the taste of pigeon meat and this was the demise of this birds use in warfare and the end for this poor pigeon species.

Global militaries are working on creating more of these attack psycho cuckoo and strap them engulf them with chemical, bio-medical, biological, and even mini nuclear weapons and napalm to be used on the battlefield and one can expect more of these mammalian and avian weapons and wildlife and tech meet and converge for destructive nature.

We should come to expect the coming singularity of bird and machine and other pet researchers are looking to ad AI intelligence to peoples birds as this generation today would actually prefer to speak and hear human generated AI Tik Tok type voice over the beautiful nature and sound of a canary or parakeet among other sin a bird cage and according to our bird brains and research scientists in Japan or Mongolian are about to release anew product where people can talk and a voice activated device reading your pet canary's bran can be retrofitted and installed and the annoying bird sounds replaced with a human voice. We will have more on this later in a future post.
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