Tulsi Gabbard bashes Democrats and the maniac Joe Biden war goals in Rage Against Machine protest and is considering running for president in 2024

  Earl "Bam Bam" Cunningham

    Former Democrat senator Tulsi Gabbard was the main headline speaker at the Rage Against The War Machine protest that drew hundreds of thousands of anti-war protesters . Tulsi Gabbard speech seemed to indicate that she will seek the highest office in the land and run against Nikky Haley and Donald Trump along  with the failed Old Joe joke of a president that is serving  China as classical neo-fascist  puppet for the CCP Chinese empire, Joe Biden is a monster and this was the message of each and every speaker at the Rage against The Machine protest which hopefully will be the first of many to eventually stop the biggest theft and distributions of money in the history of mankind.

 Ms Gabbard stated the archaic mindset of this geriatric president and this Ukrainian comedian is heading our world into a nuclear holocaust and that tensions and cold war mentality will eventually bring us t this utopia nightmare and complete destruction if peace is not initiated and maintained. Gabbard said we have a leader who does not value life and Joe Biden barely is living and we cannot trust our futures in the hands of someone this old likely disgruntled and sick ion his head form his advanced ages and who has never served the people Joe Bozo has served the war complexes and his evil ambitions and greed is at the root cause of this evil old idiot bringing
 the world on the brink of world War III. Joe Biden is never nor will he ever a peaceful end to the Ukrainian conflict and indeed his polices and that of his Democratic predecessors has led to this tensions and build up agitating the Russians who consider Ukraine crucial to their natural defense would be no different to our reactions if Russians were arming and organization Mexican drug cartels to wage war within the continent United states which we would never accept and destroy.
 Tulsi Gabbard's speech was one of a real leader and she reiterated that Old Joe must go as this sick Democratic agenda of Joe Biden is bringing our country to the brink of global catastrophe and many agree. Joe Biden must be removed form White House by any means necessary as this man and his tenure is a national tragedy and a disgrace and Biden is a puppet for CCP China and working as hard and fast to divert our tax money for destruction and intentional corruption and he threatens the very fabric and security of this country every day he remains in office.


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