Bernardo Romano
calling for a following of China in banning cryptocurrencies warren Buffet's right hand whack man Charily Munger called for the complete banning of crypto currencies in the United States. Munger calls it the greatest scam in the history of monetary policy and investment Munger says we should follow China's ea din banning this fake currency. Munger called Bitcoin not a currency not a commodity, not a security and he put full blame on cryptocurrency popularity from the liars and bitcoin propagandists and he signaled out the little leprechaun of Cryptocurrency Max Keiser himself who for years has been lying and shilling for cryptocurrencies and Munger called it a dishonest criminal complex of money diversion and funneling, Munger called cryptocurrency a gamble worse than the casinos and giving all the edge to the house and this silly jackass Max Kesier knows this as it is the house that finds this silly Scottish leprechaun. How much Max Kesier resembles a little leprechaun amazed me through the years and nothing Mad Max ever said in his thousands and thousands of videos through the years has any integrity or truth,

Charlie Munger is old and he knows a good investment when he sees one and he knows what is a global criminal complex scam and without a doubt the cryptocurrencies and what this leprechaun clown Max Keiser continues to push is this weird Fintech scam and investment of the intentional fraudsters and Keiser is well compensated for his propagandist and online horseshit thorough the years. Munger called for the banishment of public speculation through trading and stock swindling and this is something England did back in the fucking 1700's and eventually freed up legitimate capital and lead great Britain on a massive growth spawn.

Max Keiser is a dishonest jackass knowing full well most of the people investing in alt coins get scammed and he has no problema with this and Munger basiclaly called for US regulators to clamp down hard on the bullshit of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that this British Scottish clown who fore years after pushing Gold and silver moved onto a more greater income stream and started pushing the fraudulent narrative that cryptocurrencies were viable and smart alternative investment.
Munger called Max Keisrer a grifter for fraud and this digital currencies the currency and he complemented CCP China banning of this cryptocurrency as even the Orange dictator and one party stateists in China saw the dangers of this private pretend currencies and the damage they can do in spreading criminal and terrorist activity. I don't know perhaps Max Keiser is a Scottish terrorist and freedom fighter planing on leading a insurrection and freedom fight dependence for Scotland and he is a future Sir William Wallace or whatever. Most likely though Lord Keiser is a bitcoin nobleman and a scammer for this fraudulent industry of cryptocurrencies and this si what Munger called him put for and the Berkshire Hathaway vice president called for the banishment of all cryptocurrencies on Wall Street and Main street in America.
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