Lamont Robinson
The lame dick over-hyped pretend hugely successful spoiled brat fuck from another mother is angered., Dr Disrespect was playing his passion of Call Of Duty video games when a opposing player sought to troll him and insult his mother. A gamer under user handle user5649878734 dissed this ugly seventies era mustachio no charisma gamer that the gaming industry and video star dom of basement dwelling thumbing manipulators have characterized as the biggest in their industry.
Dr Disrepect is the Howard Stern of gaming for whatever reason ad this man is given full credence to push his absurdity while playing video games to large audience of bots and no-human, Dr Disrespect mama is like this four hundred pound over stuffed cow sow who could easily be a patient of Dr Younan Nowzaradan and my 600 hundred pound life program and respect needs to realize because he is a favored game player of the system funding this seventies era looking dipshit other people playing video games are not fans nor are they ever going to respect this geek.

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