Bert Berg
The deranged leftist lunatic Howard Stern had this crazy Covid doctor David Agus on the program and the usual debauchery that Howard Stern is known for was brought up form Covid and mask protocol to the number of times Stern proudly claims he masturbates a week in order not to get prostrate cancer. Stern and Agus tlak of the need for vaccines and that people need to be forced a annual vaccine of Covid form ow to eternity and prison time for those who refuse was suggested by Stern. Howard Stern then asked
this crazed doctor about whether or not it was true mastication and addiction to it had anything to do with preventing prostate cancer and Stern went on to discuss his masturbation methods and counts for the week to the bad doctor and his radio audience. Stern is a sick fuckler who always has his hand on his little to inch boner and he is always toughing and running his small penis in the hope it will cure him of Covid and prevent him from getting prostate cancer. Howard Stern despite his old age continues to be
this sick weird perverse nut ball and unlike his earlier days he has totally gone corporate pro pharmaceutical authoritarian with Dr Agus as they blasted those who resist vaccines and the need for it . Howard Stern says whenever he sees anyone speak shit about the vaccines or suggest the pandemic is over he just wants to punch them in their face.It quit literately is a scam that XM Sirius pays this wig wearing ass jack what they do for horseshit like Howard and his lame interview with Dr Agus.

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