Wally Jackson
Another brutal Black on wjitw attack was the highlight of the salty Cracker Youtube channel as some six foot six six hundred dpount 23 IQ moron attacked his Florida high school teacher, The punk fucker is 17 years old and had numerous battery assault convictiosn and is a killer in the waiting andf the best thing they can do now is lock this son of a botch up for good after this attack. The liberal lying wicked left-wing global
mainstream media outside of Fox is ignoring this race attack and what we have here is yet another example of Black hate violence being perpetuated and ignored with this brutal assauly on this woman. Officer Tatum said this attempted murder js being
suppressed by the media because the kid is black and Tatum reminded his audience the person is a neat adult and said this thug should get thirty years. The Black monster attacked
is teacher in Florida at high school because she dared to take his Nintento Switch and this was probably the first time in his mserbale life that big thug fatty was reprimanded and Salty Cracker told White folks to get their kids the fuck out of these public schools as they are filled with beast thugs treated with kid gloves like this bastard ad the number of violent thugs that public enducators allow in and endanger teachers such as this one at Mantenza High School is both shocking and appalling This animal with his numerous

Salty Cracker suggested this attack could of been prevented and he amonished the cowardly lion fellow teachers staff that were slow to intervene after several seconds of this maniac bashing the brians out of this already limp and unconcsious woman. This punk ass bitch should be charged with attempted murder and without intervention without a doubt this monster would of murdered this teacher I beleive.
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