Wonton Don and White Sox Dave go to a baseball game in Dominican Republic horrified by street scene shit hole stadium

   David Berkson

   Wonton Don and some White Sox fan went to catch  some Dominican baseball and the Wonton one is a sports annalist goof fuck from Barstool sports who acts like he is the biggest and most knowledgeable sports fan imaginable. Wonton went to a shot hole area is San Juan or Santos Domingo or whatever and was horrified at the stadium conditions and deterioration of the el beisbol stadiums as the Wonton one stated that American minor league fields Wonton Don and White Sox Al almost got jacked too as Don's friend took a paid bike ride and then got robbed in aln alley and the stupidity and dangers these two foos

put themselves in to partake in one Domincan Baseball winter ball league was unbelievable and one day the Wonton will likely be killed as he travels the world looking for sports and odd ball. Wonton couldn't believe how dirty the field was and the bathrooms were filled with cockroaches and there was food an booze everywhere as the dynamic barstool sports duo of Dave Doo doo and the Wonton Don didn't even 
 want to sit in the seats of this stadium that looked never cleaned and both were worried razor blades may of been sticking out of some seats . Both of these sports and teavel fanatics called for Major League baseball and intentional investors to pour more money and concrete construction into these stadiums and there is no reason that baseball stadiums in Dominican republic can't resemble what was quickly built in Qatar for the World Cup.The number of rats the Wonton Don saw in this game between Tigers and Stars of the winter ball league and ball. The amount of drama and fights Wonton saw both on the field and off in the stands shocked and appalled The Wonton Don and both of these men held on their passport tight not wanting to lose and get stuck n this Caribbean cockroach nightmare of a country. I cannot comprehend of all the international sports events the Wonton could of went to this month that he would decide and actually go live in person to a Dominican baseball game where form some Wonton Don was lucky to survive this vacation and event. 

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