Jay Yang
Andy and Chris Warski called Sudan a shit hole and defend president Trump's term for this in several other countries in Africa the great podcast of Andy Warski and his Asian brother Chris Swarski came out on the internet again and they predicted a another civil war in Sudan fighting in the Sudan has erupted once again and every country in the United States has withdrawn its diplomatic corrupt class from this country and once again this country of Sudan is wrecked by fractional fighting. Sudan is likely the worst nation ever and is probably the poster child of the shit hole Nation and continent that Mr Trump was heavily criticized by democrats and their corporate media some years ago Mr Trump had called several countries called a
"shithole" and without a doubt this is the appropriate term to call countries like Sudan and Somalia where consistent fighting and internal domestic chaos is as common as a banana stand in Afghanistan. Sudan is a shit hole a place no one wants to immigrate nor live and once again the fighting within this country is further proof that this country and these people are uncivilized. Sudan is a land and stan that will never have a civilized society and along with neighboring Somalia this horn of Africa is always filled with pirates, rebels. insurgents, socialists, Communists, nationalists, guerrillas, soccer hooligans, extremists Marxists, Khat cartels. warlords. and gangs battling each other like this is a Star Wars battlefront video game. In fact the stan of Sudan and Somalia is about the closest thing to a fighting environment that resembled my favorite scene in Battle Front Star Wars and this is the battle arena of the city of Tatoonie on the planet Tattoo or whatever.
different and together these countries stand out among with many others in the Middle East and Africa as shit hole nations. Andy and Chris Warski bash these countries and those who criticize former president Trump or other media personalities who have used is the great term shit hole when describing certain nations and these liberals were very upset and angry by this truthful comments anyone who tries to deny that Sudan or Somalia or other countries that have constant Civil War and internal strife are shit holes are not sure the holes are shitting in
their pants and shitting cheer face with lies and misinformation Andy Warsky wondered if Joe Biden is going to ever travel to the Sudan like he was so eager and able to move around Ireland last week. Chris Warski meanwhile speculated that perhaps New York district attorney Elvin Bragg has seen how Ugandan and Sudanese politics works and this explains why he used it and politicize the district attorney's office for the future presidential
candidacy of Mr Donald Trump and why he pressed charges against the former president. Sudan is a shit hole country and its politics trash and this land stan always will be a shit hole and anyone who tells you otherwise is a piece of shit as the truth hurts sometimes and for the liberal progressives who weaponized the term and truth is how Mr Trump described Sudanistan and a Shitistan country. Sudan not deserving of any foreign aid this week's events in Sudan should serve as further proof that they are all their mind and they should shut up and accept the truth sometimes about foreign countries and how they can be best described as a government,culture, and country.
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