Carlton " Lazy " Olsen
Jamie Raskin tried to interrupt the great Queen Marjorie Taylor Green as she was questioning and humiliating a teacher union ugly boss named Randi Weingarten and the censorship attitude and demands this teacher union boss has commuted as MTG confronted this Union thug Randi Weingarten and the humiliation of this union boss by the most hated
Republican member of the house by Democrat fascists intent on having teacher unions dictate policy and create culture opportunities of radical and extremity cultural positions brainwashing the
kids to woke ideology. Marjorie Taylor Greens questioning upset two of the radical bozos on the left such as Batman villain Jamie Raskin and Boy Wonder propagandist Brian Taylor Cohen. The Batman Villain Maryland toxic congressman Jamie Raskin who looks and dresses more and more like the original Batman villain in the first Batman television series
(by far the best version) and basiclaly all of the top Democrats of the political system look and act like Batman villains and this is because they are all habitual liars, fraudsters, Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves. Thus criminal political Jamie Raskin nearly lost it and tried to interrupt Marjorie Taylor's diatribe and questioning of Randi Weingarten as clearly he was upset and
interrupted MTG's time as each congressmen and women have five minutes to ask panels in these sub committees and having this monster union boss who hass not taught in a classroom since she partied on one in 1997. Meanwhile boy wonder Brian Cohen Tyler went on a video rant bashing Marjorie Taylor Green as like the rat Raskin they are misogynist and hate the free thought and expression of this Georgia congresswoman and Tyler Cohen is propagandist jackass. The crazed leftist Communist Tyler Cohen Brian is a misogynist hates conservative
woman and he is unequivocally a fucking fascist . In addition I reckon our schools have gone to shit because of maniacs and monsters like Rand Weingarten in position of power closing schools and allowing teachers to dictate our educational system and culture. This daffy duck fuck face Weingarten is pathetic and it is shocking such lunatics are in charge of teacher organizations and hold any polticla power as this woman should be working in a school cafeteria as a kitchen lunch lady and not in powerful positions wrecking havoc on our education system.
Tyler Brian also is heavily subsidized and a sycophant for the old geezer illegitimate president in the White House and everything he touches and does is spin around to meet the demands of the big guy and the Biden political criminal syndicate.
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The disturbed, sick and demented cancer stricken evil mobster Jamie Raskin |
Jamie Raskin is like this unbelievable Batman villain who is such a narcissist he walks around with a television screen behind him with him in digital form at all times and this would make a great comic hero villain that someone can take as a idea and run with it. Perhaps there is no more of a polticla sleazeball and scumbag all wrapped into one in a box with a bow on top. Let him rest in hell soon.
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