Crazed black supremacist Congressman Jamal Bowman yells and threatens Republicans in the Halls of Montezuma

Randolph Perkins

    New York loudmouth and black supremacist Jamal Bowman made a spectacle of himself following discussions of Congress about gun ban and gun rights Jamal Bowman had a mental meltdown as he is a delusional deranged man and someone who should not be in Congress the black supremacist Jamal Bowman Heckle Republican congressman and women who were leaving the recent meeting and he was called on tape calling them cowards and yelling like a delusional madman in the New York subway Jamal Bowman is a ghetto hood rant who is most likely funded and provided to Congress by the criminal black urban game complex Jamal Bowman is a radical Marxist and a big mouth and his intimidation attempt against the political opposition is Straight Out of Africa. Jamal Bowman should be censored and should be suspended for a year or two from serving in Congress and if he could actually be removed for what he did the other day Jamal Bowman is a disgusting loudmouth who thinks he can bully

intimidate other individuals and most likely he has learned this through his neighborhood in New York this a thug Congressman needs to be centered and investigated for his actions of a few days ago where he attempted to intimidate an agitate fellow Congressional members for not thinking and voting on the issue of gun bands because in Jamaal Bowman's sick mind no one aside from Criminal should have guns Jamal Bowman was spreading Covid screaming and yelling and this mean man needs to be sent to Bellevue which is not too far I believe from his district this radical black supremacist doesn't want teachers to be armed and staff to be able to protect the children in the schools because he desires the death of children and Christians as what happened in Nashville and he would prefer them to be sitting ducks Jamal Bowman is a disgusting Troll and a far left radical who also by the way is defending Tick Tock and was part of a the Democrat group that came out to defend Tick Tock yesterday. Jamal Bowman wants tiktok because he knows that it is a great service to drive certain

narratives and divide Americans and as a race Hustler this is what Jamal Bowman seeks to do and represents.  Jamal Bowman is a black supremacist and he is toxic to the American political system and this man should not be in Congress and it is a total disgrace that a bum like him is in Congress his attempt to bully Congressman Massey and other Republicans leaving the Congress was perhaps one of the most egregious actions done by a congressman in the past decade and he needs to be called out in addition

Jamal Bowman is a very ugly bastard and he has nothing positive to the American political scene this man is and provided to be a politician to divide and spread hate. Jamal Bowman needs to be censored and then investigated and spoke taken before Congress and ask questions who or why did he decide to do what he did this past week and whether he is being funded to spread turmoil within our political system Jamel Bowman wants the Democrat Party to be able to keep using tiktok as a propaganda force and Brainwashed the youth and this is why he and he's 15 other Democrats have come out strong and working hard to prevent Tick Tock from being banned. Jamal Bowman you are a disgusting animal

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