Nikos and Mistakos warns Americans Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayipp Erdogan and Tok Tik lard ass dance sensation Ozloz predict the coming destruction of the White House

   Ryne" Bozo" Boswporth

   Vladimir Putin has this sick Tik Tok YouTube channel in the internet where he mocks this look alike for Joe Biden. Putin runs a huge successful social media account  something called Simple Putin where he does these global dance Tik Tok routines regularly  mocking other world leaders especially this chopped liver and  brain dead jackass in the White house in AmeriCCPa. Putin is just killing it mocking the 88 year old illegitimate president and makes a ass of Biden in his Simple Putin videos on both

Youtube and Tik Tok. Putin did a disturbing video where he invited this belly dancing three hundred and fifty pound beast from the Turkish East to come out and do one of his stink bomb video fart dances in front if the White House which immediately brought down the historical building and symbol of the United

state. The Greek gaming gods and the number one podcast on gaming and culture in Greece and popular broadcast for Greek expats is GRamers run by these studs Nikos and Mistakos and they warned America of a recent Simple Putin Russian propagandist Tik Tik site showig Putin and the fat Turd Turk named This may be a forecast of something to come for the United States and another 9/11 attack that both the Turkish sultan Recep Tayipp Etrdpogan  and the Russian empire are planning and make no mistake this video is serving as a future warning telling people what is about to come about in the near future.

Joe Biden is pushing this country into a situation where another Pearl Harbor and 9/11 will take place and given the war mongering nature of The Deep Democrats  are wanting a war and they need to set up this country and likely would even be willing to sacrifice the White House to get this accomplished.

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