Archie Bannister
With this fat pig governor of Illinois JB Pritzker and his drive to ban assault weapons and other high caliber guns it has been determined has campaigned in highly contributed to many other justices downstate who might decide on these gun law cases. JB Pritzker has degraded the office and the criminality of this 1930s era gangster is unbelievable but eventually it will be coming down and we predict JB Pritzker will one day be prosecuted JB Pritzker is a tyrant who is degraded himself and the governor's mansion into bribing judges as he has contributed Millions in last November's elections to certain judges who will be deciding many cases and downstate Republican politicians have called for the judges to recuse themselves from these gun cases that are going before the Illinois Supreme Court JB Pritzker is a big fat pig in a
total disgrace who is only Governor because of his family's name and Fortune as a monopolist any authoritarian tyrant who closed down the state under the big lie of Covid and the center of Disease Control. Make no mistake JB Pigzker is a mafia politician along with many other Democratic governors were among the worst politicians in this nation's history attacking our economy under false pretentious of a deadly disease outbreak and these monsters need to pay a political and prosecutor crime the governor of the Land of Lincoln is such a tyrant he has degraded himself to contributing his vast mountain of wealth to judge races where he can basically own the judicial system and this is a crime in itself and he should be prosecuted for this 1920's era like gangster .Pritzker is dismissing these cries against his influencing through political contributions as a typical dictator as he donated one million to judicial candidacy of Mary O'Brian and Elizabeth Rochard. and this big fat pig the walls will be closing down soon and the massive amount of corruption this maniac has done through our economy business. It appears ikely he will eventually investgated ad the the whole legality of whether a sitting Governor can use his own campaign wealth and funds to fund the candidates of the Supreme Court will be looked into
. The fat Governor should be highly condemned in these justices should be recused for taking campaign donations from the governor the two candidates that JB Pritzker is a modern day gangster not a warrior gave millions and millions and millions of dollars. Indeed these judges were put over the top by the donations of this monster dictator so he can control some of the seven seats for the Illinois Supreme
Court and they will rule in this fat meat heads favor on crucial cases. JB Pritzker is a criminal and what he just did in purchasing judicial seats on Illinois Supreme Court is straight out of the third world dictatorship and why this man is still allowed to be governor I do not know. JB
pig should be forced to resign for meddling in the Supreme Court racist and donating his own Finance campaign to the campaign of another candidate to defeat a rival political judge JB Pritzker without a doubt is one of the most evil and Sinister individuals ever to hold huge office and it's amazing that the progressive say nothing about this horrendous governor who is
right now is the richest sitting us politician in this nation this multi-billionaire fat ass has used his riches and people like him spread inequality with their power JB Pritzker needs to be brought down and fall just like Humpty Dumpty and hopefully the walls are closing in on the criminality of this gangster governor
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