Regression taxes of lottery and more casinos supported by "progressive" governors and politicians like Gavin Newsom and JB Pritzker

 Lonnie Yeager

     One if the most regressive taxes are through state politics is lottery tickets and for Technocrat Democratic big government scamming that these lotteries are. Now word comes out that JB Pritzker and American Kalifornia psycho Gavin Newsom are attempting to get more on-line lotteries and help this regressive tax that targets the poor and the Black and Brown and the governments several state I  predict will look to buy these on-line websites and push forward for even more caisnifoication and lotteries onto the public and target those who can use

 less afford it . Gavin Balls and the pig Pritizker are just two of libshit Democrats looking to push more and more lotteries as another tax and those who benefit are the lotto agencies that grow through the promotion and brain addicting of the states for these lotteries. 

Lotteries are a rip off and it is not surprising that Democrat areas promote it so much and in our view these blue states have more illegal funny money coming in and the states and corrupt cities just use these lotteries to draw and move about out more money into the system. These fools who put their own money into the system and tax themselves through their participation of this deserve their sly fate and they empower the Democrat One party monster machine that undermine their democracies with this fuel.
 The big government oligarchs desire to financially burden and oppress their subjects whom men like JB Pritzker and Gavin Newsom disdain and want to rob at every opportunity they can serving their fellow more wealthier global hierarchical and modern day monarchies   overseas and without a doubt these Blue state politicians serve nit the best interest of the American people but he wealthy Arabs in Saudistan and $oo Koo Kim$ in South Korea and other Asian Shibuya crowd. JB Pigtzker is a clown and a lard fat ass. 
 Lotteries need to be called out for the ball scam it is and these states need to start dropping this fraudulent tax of people and be seen for the dishonesty that it serves further aggravating peoples economic misery and conditions through the false notion they actually can win and reverse their fortunes over night. The idea that these Democrats now want to promote more lotteries and on-line web sites owned by the states where people can  click freely have free access and blow all of their money in on-line lottery ball drawings is another tragedy of this nightmare that are lotteries and how modern day corrupt globalists Democrat suse them to abuse the citizen and consumers.

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