Jason Fool
Male no mistake former NFL baller and conceited arrogant human Deoandre Sanders isa authoritarian sick football coach whose egoistical ways are now going to be a part of major college football this season at the university if Colorado. This fool Deion Sander and his goofy family and staff are putting all of these embarrassing video of himself getting tough on the players of Colorado as he has moved from a historical Black college to a major division 1 program and in the spring game he made a further court jester of himself dancing and whirling around like a clown coming out at the introduction of a Barnum and Baily circus circa 1978
Without doubt Deion Sander is a unhinged pompous arrogant fuck who already is alienating the players at the university . At last count over twenty players have filled for transfer protocol knowing full well their new coach is a madman who yells and toughs them up for wearing socks that are not black and other crazed shit. The shit show of Coach prime is ridiculous and we look
forward to this clown failing this fall. The arrogance of this fool Deion Sanders and his demand to display this aspect or himself that he holds pride in is really is the center and motivations for this narcissists to come and get into college coaching. Well I got news forthe foolish Deion that division 1 football is not the historical black colleges where his crazed authoritarian stick coaching style might have been forcefully accepted but it will not be as appreciated at a secular state school away form Black supremacy of the historical Black colleges. Deion Sander sis a fucking fool. The fact that twenty five players have already quickly filed to get the fuck out of this shit show is further indication that Sander sis a deranged madman should not be into coaching.

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