The Hodge twins destroy and want to beat up David Pakman

    Wally Jackson

   Calling this skinny nerd bat shit crazy and a fucking geek" the Hodge Twins blasted this little weasel Argentinian Venezuelan internationalist David Pakant for his Christian phobic comments about the Nashville School shooting an d somehow David Pakman is still on both the leftist propagandist radio programs and his YouTube channel The Hodges destroyed and sad there is nothing progressive about David Pakant and they were the latest conservatives that destroyed the gay asshole of pakshit Pakman and his anti-Christian comments saying

apparently the prayers of the kids were not good enough to prevent this mass shooting evil. The Hodges reminded David Dumbass that there is good an devil and he y not believe in Christianity but he can't deny there is good and evil. The Hodges stated that this tweet was pure evil and they wondered whether David Pakant actually derives pleasure form knowing a transgendered was filled with so much hate they would target and go out of their way to attack a church and kill innocent children.
 David Pakant is a fascist not even a American but someone sent y internationalist socialism and he has served the global world order and the J people banking elites to the maximum. Pakant is pure propaganda and evil and again has this school shooting had occurred in a Jewish school and synagogue this scumbag would never had tweeted his feelings and disdain for thoughts and prayers and it is great to see th emb and conservatives to go after this silly bastard. 

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