Tucker Carlson leaves FOX News to announce he will be running for president next week

    Ed West

   Fox news American patriot Tucker Carlson is leaving or was forced out at FOX news in a stunning move and the pressure and weakness if FOX new and Rupport Murdoch not fighting this frivolous lawsuit by what is absolutely a rigged and nefarious voting electronic system that lets the Democrats change votes with the flick of a switch and out election system has been undermined and destroyed by fascists determined to destroy the sovereignty of the 

 United States determined to bring one party state fascism into AmeriCCPa. Tucker Carlson has been battling the Democratic Fascists and their paid mobs for years but it appeared he knows his time was coming as this voting machine company is part of the Democrat party plot to bring about one party authoritarianism and fascism into AmeriCCPa as a puppet under control form the Chinese nation. Tucker Carlson is about to announce form our sources and rumors

that he will be running in the Republican primary or may indeed decide to form a third party run as an independent under the Patriot Party which will have Fox animal  as a logo and mascot. Tucker Carlson wants to challenge Trump and looking at how hard Trump is hitting Ron De Santis and preventing him from running Mr Tucker figures he is more media savvy and adept to challenge and take on Mr Trump in 2024 . Tucker  is out by the global corptoaocracy and the claims that FOX News lies when in fact the sickening rabblerousers of big media at ABC, CBS, MSNBC , and CNN/CCP are filled with misinformation and lies on a hourly basis and have done so for almost a decade yet there never seems to be lawsuit and push back against these proto-fascist anti-American  media conglomerates whose main motivation is to spread hate and division trough their lies that foreigners fund and demand.

Tucker is jumping up of hos presidential ambitions from 2028 to 2024 as he see s this as a perfect opportunity and time as he knew for a while even before the Dominion lawsuit his  time was coming up at FOX. The time might be right for Trump to and let Tucker take the torch for the fight in the upcoming years bit it is doubtful and the primary between the two might get ugly as Tucker is committed with keeping his name and brand and he will be the next great outsider triggering and angering the establishment and the modern day Baath party if Iraq and the top leaders and donors of the Democrats.

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