Ugly Bill Scher and Matt Lewis say expect a Robert Kennedy Jr and Mitt Romney battle in 2024

  Ali Muhammad

     Bill Shear and Matt Lewis in this ridiculous political podcast where they talk and speculate about elections 20 years down the line. I believe the other day they were talking of a possible George Santos and Justin Jones presidential race in 2036 or something. Matt Lewis and Bill Shear are big media wannabee annalists with little talents and ugly and crazed opinions and I reckon because of this is why they have so tiny listening base.

Bill Scher and Matt Lewis are suppose to be this Rhino against Left democrat discussion and political rivalry and debate but in fact much of time they agree and alot of the discussion is a tag teaming bashing of former president Trump as these are another two fools  suffering from trump derange syndrome as the antipathy they have for Trump known no

bounds. Lewis and Scher discuses and predicted the 2024 election might not be what people expect and another Trump and Biden match up by these fools through a soft ball and suggested there might be a surprise as Bill Scher and Matt Lewis think a Robert Kennedy Jr and Mitt Romney is a serious possibility😀 as thee two former base politicians and dynasties might square off. Scher and Lewis predicted a shocking and stunning presidential contest

between Kennedy Junior and the return of Romney who they have been impressed with his dignity and respect of the political process as a uncontroversial and nonsensical politician and they believe he has come around and turn things around since he ran the impossible race against America's first and popular Black president. Mitt Romeny would not be running against the😗 Hussein  one this site around and with his tremendous wealth and ability to fund raise the two blogginghead pod casters thinks he is a serious threat to both Desantis , Trump and even possibly Joe Bozo Biden himself. Without a doubt a Kennedy Romney match up would not be expected and yet should be taken serious as Scher and Lewis have predicted together all the final match ups for president since 2012 and they have a incredible ability to forecast elections for the White House and this is their most egregious outlandish prediction yet.😟

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