Polly Cracker
To say the Chicago Sun Times and their awful columnists like Neil Steinberg are terrible writers and their columns are deserving to be on the bottom of my birds cage is an underestimate. Neil Steinberg is a tool and a weak one at that for those who run and tell this newspaper owners what to say and print. Thus it was not surprising to see Neil Stienberg take to the pen and defiantly defend transsexuals promoting beer and Steinberg loves Dylan
Mulvaney and says this transvestite should be on all of its cans as a counter protest to the protest against this sick woke reimagination of a classic beer brand and popular American icon product. Without a doubt Neil has dabbled in crossdressig and like Dylan Mulvaney I would be willing to bet millions in poker chips that Neil has word Pink Panties and pink pantyhose in his day pretending to be a woman and fantasizing being rumped in his ars by a twelve inch dink. Neil Stein tried to dismiss this Bud Light decision saying that thie company always does promotion but if they had decided to put Q Anon Shaman Jacob Chansly or Charlie Kirk or someone on the cover of its cans Neil Steinberg disapproved of this moron would go loco and be calling for a left-wing protest against the beer company . Bud Light should be boycotted just for making a product in a can that is of the best Elk Piss imitations out on the market.

some shout out advertising in his recent column on the Dylan Trasvestite travesty with Bud light. Neil Shitberg thinks somehow that Chicago's make up comp nay that has brainwashed women through the decades to put n chemicals on their face is somehow a admirable trait and reflection of the city of Chicago again show the liberal lunacy and dip shitted brain of a shit columnist that is Neil Steinberg. Neil is a lozer...a total zero and he is subsidized by a evil and wicked entity of media and a dying industry of news printed material that with pieces of shit like Neil Steinberg have regressed into total Pravda.
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