Failed bad rapper Gorilla Nems and others thrive in the corrupt high price clothing industry

 Arnold Buckley

   Gorilla Nemes is his animal rapper who sounds horrible and has absolutely no vocal or musical talents yet in this music Mafia system he has been made somewhat of a star in the Rican and New York Coney Island hot dog  is also selling high priced ghetto hip hop clothing.  Nems Gorilla actually has a clothing store where he gets drunk like a skunk drinking vodka and hard liquor and goes out and messes with people who walks by and tells him don't how dare they just

they disrespect him by their way they look. Nemes is a gorilla and the name fits and anyone associated with overpriced urban loud destructive clothing and then they want a lot of money for it usually it's part of a corporate global system that enables these hip hoppers people with no clothing tailoring  talent to sell at will ugly imported clothes for a very high price.  Gorilla names can't even rap and why this guy is like considered someone big and Coney Island I don't know. Perhaps he is a member of a local Mafia and Gorilla Nems is no more talented than your average Gorilla in the Congo and he acts, looks, sounds, and smells like one and I reckon this is why he uses this term to describe himself as even this Gorilla Nems

knows he is a gorilla. Gorilla Nems makes nasty weird videos where he has the audacity as a big fat mafia and hoodlum jerk to make fun poke  other peoples appearance. I could see if he looked like Bad Bunny or Brad Pitt to making fun of these ne'er do wells,  but when you are another Yeti looking New York Bronx zoo  animal and your

making fun of the freaks, meth heads, clowns. and aliens walking by and this is a basic of your social media channels. Nems needs to go into a gym and perhaps start a new type of vlogcast as he is a pig Gorilla and a half and his clothing is ugly and I reckon he is a connected con man of the hip hop industry and where it meets over-priced expensive clothing line in a ponzi scheme urban legend. 

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