Joe Jupiter
One of the more successful grifters Astrophysicists has to be th insane lunatic Harvard University professor Avi Loeb. This clown is the founder of the Black Hole Institute which makes money disappear into his crazed research that produce nothing but a high rolling lifestyle of this nutty professor. Abraham "Avi" Loeb is no honest Abraham Lincoln and this guy will lie and deceit out if his ars in order to get the funding and money this privileges Astrophysicist asshole feels he deserves for his bad or fake research. Loeb has received
millions and millions of dollars to search the oceans 11 floor for so called fragments off the coast of Papa New Guinea and if anyone thins this nerd is going to find anything worth of interstellar species or aliens as he claims might find then I have ocean front property on Paupu New Guinea for pennies on the dollar and will be worth a fortune one day. This Harvard scam artist is a fucking alien and disgrace and he will really not be searching the oceans bottom for
fragments of this meteor that crashed into the earth this clown says was actually a space alien ship and make no mistake Abe Loeb is a liar and grifter keeps saying without any evidence that there are aliens visiting us and he does this in order to get free money to " work" and in all actuality live a prosperous life pretending he is examining rocks and rolls form other planets, comets, meteors, Stars, and Mars

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