Martin Manziel
Dream Money
Do Kwan is a fraudster cryptocurrency magnet and he is man and band n the run wanted by several countries for his various financial crimes against the citizens if these governments selling Luna Coin and other fraudulent coins. The entire crypto currency exchanges are illegitimate sources of currency and the biggest financial swindle even concocted. Do Kwon is just one of many financial scammers and fraudsters and he was the topic if a recent John
Oliver topic and video on cryptocurrencies --a nefarious fake money system first invented by space aliens. John Oliver did a long take on three companies of the cryptocurrency and the financial scamming of Do Kwon. John Oliver totally wrecked Mr Kwon is a globalists like John Oliver as men of fortune looking to explore and extra wealth for themselves in any way possible. Oliver recent take and wrecking of crypto currencies and scum their way not new monetary sources and in all reality Do Kown's corruption and the corruption of this owl Pondscum from across the pond is really no different. Do Kown got photo bombed by the pharma king and failed pharmaceutical fraudster Chief executive Martin Shrekeli who told Do Kwon what he can expect from a federal prison.

While Do Kwon as Do Do to hi friends was founder of TerraLuna as a corrupt crypt pusher and indeed the similarities between drug peddlers and money fraudsters like Do cannot be lost. John Oliver may mock Martin Shrekeli but in all possibilities Martin Shrekeli was looking for easy and dream money much like this British " comedian' has received funding from HBO to speak woke cultural talking points of the radical Communists and progressive agendists and make no mistake John Oliver is as much of a fraudster criminal as Do Kwon and Martin Shrekeli.
John Oliver finally took out the South Korean fellow globalist but in all reality there is little difference and what John Oliver does with his political divisive misinformation and lies some would say is even worse. Oliver's take on cryptocurrencies and their child like logs and names is not a mistake and in all aspects cryptocurrency is about as valuable as th ecins that you collect in your favorite video game. The Terra Luna coins that Do Kwon was pretty much as valuable as the coins I earned in Battle Monkey
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