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The disgusting GLBTQI Community continues to try to brainwash and influence your children into accepting their perverse lifestyles Target stores in fact has gone into huge trouble and backlash for having drag queen and Rainbow gay themed clothing for children In addition to a crotch tucking swimsuit for young boys which is utterly reprehensible and disgusting. One of the problems with why these companies have become woke is the marketing departments have been overtaken by primarily crazed women and these employers have been vetted through the years to be more and more woke and left wing by the year.
These marketing advertising companies are woke left and behind the woke corporate movement of homosexuality in a concentrated attack on the cultural integrity and morality of this country. Men need to get into college and major in marketing and to be in positions of power not women in the marketing and advertising of these companies conservative Daily Wire and huge internet host Matt Walsh has called for the boycotting of Target because of the sick and disgusting clothing and advertising campaign in the
month of June as apparently out of nowhere June has belong to the GLBTQICUP+ minus signs radicals in our society and these crazy small French fringe minority people continue to enforce their beliefs on the American people and especially children. Much to the chagrin of far left radical fascists who love the GLBTCQ community the disgusting advertising of homosexuality needs to be resisted and for this year it has been heavily resisted thanks to Tik Tok and other social media performers

Matt Walsh has called for and is leading the biggest boycott of a big box store seen since Robin Williams sued and lead a boycott and helped put Save Mart out of business in 1996. Save Mart was put out of business print as Robin Williams went undercover and exposed the massive fraud and corruption of this company and how it recycled returned items or whatever. Target needs to go into the dust bin of history and into the bin for years of using it presence and clout to promote and push the idea that rainbow fascism and homosexuality sexy cult is something to be proud in the month of June.
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