Jason Fool
Paul Teutal Sr has just blasted on his podcast that he is triggered angered and ready to kick ass. The state of New York has just issued a new toll getting the go ahead form the feds to enact a brutal toll on drivers under the lie and guise to fight climate change and congestion. This is typical bullshit and what is going on is the people in the city of New York aka Big
Apple especially the elites do not want local outsiders and local tourist coming to their area and gem and Paul Teutul Sr said this is a attack on the middle class and those of lower socioeconomic means who cannot live near the core city center. The attack on New Yorkers and the greedy selfishness of these foolish evil and sick politicians are disturbing and not
surprising as these fascists like Eric Adams and thus fool governor Kathy Hochul are always looking for more ways to make life more of a struggle for those of lower and middle society economic means and they use the lie of climate change combating pollution and congestion to restrict peoples movements.
make no mistake restricting the freedom and citizens movement is the real goal of evil sinister foolish New York Democrat politicians that worked with the evil Joe Biden's administration to enact yet anothe roll on New York drivers for a Mid Town Manhattan 50 dollar toll to go already with the high tolls each bridge surrounding the city already charges .This fool Kathy Hochul must be removed from office and fascist greedy politicians in the city and state who support this new toll also needs to be removed and defeated as soon as they are up for reelection.
Paul Teutul Sr came on his huge podcast and bashed the shit lout of New York politicians and fools he blamed this stupid toll anti-driver legislation on the likes of scumbag New York politicians of the Democratic stripe and he encouraged his listeners and viewers to refuse this toll and resist it at all cost. The elites don't want the average middle class coming into their
privileged elite neighborhood and city and this was clearly the message by Kathy Hochul's insane attack on our freedom of movement and those not in the kingdom lego block castle city of New York and Democrat Party is the party of exclusion and this is why they enacted such a absurd new toll and law on the people in New York and surrounding areas.
Paul Teutul thinking of swinging his work boot into the ars of failed and ugly witch New York Governor Kathy Hochul
Paul Teutul Sr has called for a biker protest of this toll and to occupy New York draw attention to this insane tax on drivers and riders make it nationally known what urban Democrats have planned --as this would not just be in New York all of these radical Blue states and cities will try to to enact proposals and tolls to prevent people from all Red Counties to travel to their large democratic city and enjoy city life for a weekend. This plan
by foolish New York Democrat indeed is economically based to wage war on capitalism and those who cannot afford to live in urban areas, In essence the Democrat opticians in new York want to make downtown a gated community for the rich and have their exclusive playground. Insane lying democrats like Eric Adams and Katy Hochul have declared another greedy selfish economic terrorist war against the lower classes and those who cant walk or live in New York city.