Brown bigot scumbag Noshrivan Danesh "That Danesh Guy" Tik Toker sued by Sarah Comrie New York bike " Karen".

 Milton Wiener


Noshrivan  Danesha of that Danesha guy is being sued and the walls of Justice are closing in on The Tick Tock scumbag known as that Denisha guy this cyber stalker for years has been harassing people that he deems Wicked and this wicked individual Indo-Pako is a wacko who has basically now received a lawsuit from the city park here in health profession notice Sarah Camry Sarah Comrie and her lawyers have slapped this disgusting ugly Indian guy a lawsuit from hell as he was one of the original tik tokers who docs this woman and spread massive misinformation lies and evil a tent through his Tick Tok channel. Whether this son of a bitch is still on tik tok or not it is not known but I highly recommend people to contact tik tok and demand that the channel of that Danesh guy be immediately removed and the

harassment campaign that this scripture has been doing as a extreme leftist harassing people who hold different political opinions also should not have been allowed for as long as it was on this Chinese disgusting tick tock spyware site Tick Tock let this scumbag likely on all these years because he was doing his role as spreading hate and division race massive agitation through his Tik Tok channel. That that Danesh prick is a extreme anti-white racist and anti-white racism is a extreme form and massively all over tick tock with people like Noshrivan and now this Brown turd is  is going to be sued and hopefully 

this is the beginning of the end of this Tick Tock scumbag. This jerk has been  for years has been cyber stalking and doxxing people in an attempt I guess... for violence to be occurred against them I can't reckon any other reason why this man would be so committed in making a disgusting repulsive channel that he has been allowed on tik tok aside from wishing others to do harm on individuals he does not like Nashriva not only should be sued in a court of his assets this man should face prosecution for attempted violence and the numerous cases that he has uploading on tik tok for cyber stalking individuals this neurotic Indian should also if he's not a citizen

be immediately deported following at least a 10 to 15-year sentence. With a quick  Google search of this idiot Danesh Guy one  comes across hundreds of videos done about him and their harassment he has caused to other people through the years. Again it is quite amazing until just recently he was still and might still be on Tik Tok. This internet harassment should not he surprising as this maniac is from the Middle east where these Islaimc radical Islamo fascist groups and governments have long used the internet to harass political opposition and this dip fucker Noshrivan obviously was well adept how to use the powerr of the internet to harass White Americas who get filmed from getting into verbal engagement most often from agitating Blacks and Homosexuals through the years. This racist misogynist Danesh Noshrivan is a grifter for leftists to harass everyday Americans for essentially having arguments and the walls are closing in on this race Pakistani race hustler and son of a bitch. Noshrivan Danesh is a dipshit racist fuck job he has always been a dip shit racist fuck job and he always will be and th eamoutn of virloctic anti-White hatred this Brown man has spent his time and energy on Tik Tok is finally catchign up to his sily ass.

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