Cenk Ogres Young Jerks nephew Hasan Abdul attacks Dr Disrespect for standing up to cancel culture Activision deplatforming of NICKMERKS

 Archie Bannister

   Dr Disrepect is angered along with other gamers and streamers of big name after the cancellation of Nick Merks who is a Twitcher....I guess after the cancellation of this bog time gamer --dudes who get paid to talk and speak nonsense while playing video games. Nicksmercs has been canceled and devoid of his platform and video game after he criticized pride month and the number of incidents as these sick public schools attempt to teach kids how to be a homosexual and lesbian. NICKMERTS  was canceled and for the pro boa constrictors of  rainbow mafia fucks like Hasan Abi this is something that is good as the Young Turks jerks Mr Abi is a

The Woke Turkish Communist gay lover gamer and rat bastard Hasan ABi Piker

extreme leftist and he wants to see schools target kids and make more radicals and homosexuals in society. Natrually Hasan Abu--the son of Mabus --the nephew of Cenk Uygur--the  the son of a bitch named Velma went off on the great one an the  doctor known as DR Disrespect. some other gamer named   also criticized these egregiously fascist woke gaming companies that would dare punish and deplatform

NICKMERKs. Naturally the brownie  pro- loving GBLTVYT+-  Hasan Abi decided to criticize DR Disrespect and Tin Tat Man of the Twitch troll Tatman army decided they will erase and quit playing Call Of Duty and encouraged their huge fan base to uninstall Activision's Call Of Duty compter game. Hassan is a gay fascist and he showed his support for global activation to take off this individual who stated he did not want strangers teaching his kids about gay

lifestyles. Mr Piker or Abi supports Activision because he is a shit bead brown fascist form another land and stan in the Middle East. Hasan Abi is a Marxist socialist and he and is fat meat head uncle left Turkey because they couldn't talk their  bullshit camel shot in their native country. Hasan Piker or Abi is a gay indoctrination pro homsex weirdo and Hasan attack against both Tin Tat Man and DR Disrespect shows the radical activism of this sick puppy as Hasan and other fucking leftists are determined to recruit for the sick LGBTVURSAD Communist and their perversion. Boycott Activision and protect the kids for these playschools psychos like Hasan. 

The great pro-free speech gaming champion former seventies porn star  and stud DR Disrespect

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